Thursday, April 30, 2009

The adventures of Jenni LIn

Has it been 6 weeks since we last posted? Hard to believe. Life has been busy as always. I am happy to say Jenni is well at this point wooo hoo. She is just so busy and running around like a mad woman. The weather has been nice off and a few weeks ago we were able to go outside and play! Daddy bought Jenni a toy car to play in outside. Although it was a challenge to put together (had to get the neighbor to help with his "muscles") it was worth it! Jenni LOVES it!! She looks too cute driving around in it or having mommy push her around. She loves being outside and likes to run between our yard and our neighbors. If they don't pay attention to her she yells at the top of her lungs "HEY, HEY" (like pay attention to me. It is too cute as all the neighbors turn around to see who is yelling. She is now 19 months and sooo smart! I think the big thing is she is soo compassionate and it is so sweet. She has a little trouble at daycare as she is still so small and the other kids tend to pick on her. The daycare has to watch her carefully. Her personality is just so mild and meek when at daycare that I think the other little kids pick up on it and like to pick on her. Well, I thought I also give some cute pictures for you to enjoy!