Thursday, February 12, 2009

Our poor sick baby

Boy, has it been a rough couple of weeks with illnesses. Poor Jenni she has just been plagued with all sorts of minor illnesses since we brought her home from China. This last Sunday was the scariest. She had a bad cold about 2 weeks ago but seemed to get better. But then Mama got the cold which I have been fighting off now for 3 weeks. Dada also has it. It is just miserable. Well, Jenni than was exposed to RSV at daycare. So last weekend she had a high fever and was wheezing so we took her to the ER and sure enough she not only had RSV but Pneumonia and an ear infection. So after 7 hours in the ER and poor Jenni being tortured in every way possible with tests, x-rays and breathing treatments they decided to admit her to the hospital. Boy, was that a long night! Jenni would have nothing to do with the crib in her room( which I think resembled the one she probably had in China). So, I had to sit up in a chair holding her all night. She refused to sleep and just cried either at the top of her lungs or this low sad cry. There was nothing I could do to calm her which broke my heart. It was heart wrenching to have her be so upset. She just didn't understand why all of these people were being mean (even though they were just trying to help her) to her. They were all "suited" up with masks, gloves, gowns etc. as she was so sick and contagious. So it really scared her. I hope to never have to do that again. I hated putting her though all of that. The nurses and the doctors were just so great and understanding of Jenni unwillingness to cooperate. It is kind of sad as Jenni use to be so good at the doctors offices and did really well when she had ear tubes in. And now I am afraid that she not be as cooperative as before and I can't blame her. I.V.'s, a catheter (can you say owww?), having her ears and nose cleaned out and breathing treatments. It made Mama and Dada tired and anxious but we both handled it really well and never showed our fear or sadness to Jenni. We tried remain calm which can be hard for first time parents.

So the Pediatricians at the hospital have confirmed that Jenni does have severe GERD (Reflux) and needs to see a specialist and have more tests done. The doctors think this why she has so many respiratory issues. They wanted to do the tests in hospital but that would have required another night in the hospital and Dada and I decided to not put Jenni through more "torture" until she was over the Pneumonia and not so worked up. She is doing much better today although still has a cough. Dada rearranged his work schedule to stay home with her Tuesday and Wednesday and my sister watched her today. I just want to really thank everyone at my work especially my boss for being so understanding this last week. Not only have they been so understanding of my need to have time off to be with Jenni but I also have been so sick with bronchitis and worrying about my baby that I am sure I am not performing my duties at 110% (which I try and do!). Well here is to a better next week. And please pray for Jenni to be well once again and for the doctors to be able to help her GERD so she won't be so sick. Oh, yeah and an extra prayer for mama and dada to get well also so we can take good care of our baby girl!



Anonymous said...

Terri - I'm praying for all three of you. What a rough time. The kids and I are all sick with some kind of throat thing - I'm wondering now if it's strep. I thought it was just a bad virus. Not fun. Ren is actually doing the best. She had a fever for a couple of days and her appetite has decreased - but otherwise she acts fine. The boys can't shake it and Loe seems to be getting better - but so gradually. It hasn't been nearly as often as poor Jenni - but I can relate to being tired of sickness. Especially since I just got over bronchitis. I can't wait to read a blog post where you are all healthy!

Anonymous said...

Auntie Don-Don says she saw our poor China Doll in the hospital and it was so sad. She was so pitiful and wanted someone to just help her. We tried to give her lots of love but she was soooooo sick. Mama and dada are very!!! sick also. Lots of prayers for their recovery!

Natalie said...

I'll pray that you all feel better soon. Your poor little bug!

It's hard especially when you're trying to get into a routine. Your daughter is darling! It was fun stopping by.