Saturday, August 9, 2008


Well, I want to tell you at this moment I can barely remember what my life was like before Jenni Lin. That is really unbelievable considering Rich and I had 24 years together B.C. (Before Children). I have another blog that I love to read and she said her life was B.C. (Before Children) and A.D. (After Diapers). How true is that! As I am typing, my daughter is standing (holding onto the end of the recliner)giving me a much needed foot massage. Ok, now I see why you all love your children so much! At 10 months, she knows exactly how to massage those painted toes..hee, hee. I know really she is just using my feet to "hang on" but every now and then she give a little squeeze and it feels like a massage. Man, children are great!! Every time I feel tired or my patience starts run just a tad thin all I have to do is look at that beautiful little face and just fall in love all over again. I have to admit I didn't get to watch very much of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics last night but what I did get to watch was awesome. For some reason, I did feel a little sad thinking that my daughter could been one of those children in presentation or maybe even one of the performers was her birth dad or birth mom? We did record the event for her as we are starting a Hope chest for her and some day we will bring out all sorts of her history (what little we have) and show it to her and hopefully she will treasure it all. I am very sad for her birth mother. I know it must have been so hard to give her up. I just look at her sweet little face and know that it took her birth mother 4 days to eventually give her up so she was probably just so grief stricken. But I have to tell you I am also so thankful her birth mother did make that difficult choice as now we have our beautiful daughter! Our life is now A.D. (After Diapers) and we can't be more happy!! We love you sweet little baby girl!

Mama and Dada

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