Monday, June 16, 2008

We are Parents!!

We are finally parents. More joy than I ever imagined. Jeanette Lin Byrd is just so beautiful. She had a little trouble in the beginning. Crying pretty hard but I think it was just because all of the other babies were crying. Once we got her to our hotel room she settled right down. We got to give her a bottle at Provincial Civil Affairs office. But she only took about 1/2 bottle. She seems to be willing to go to Rich or I. And boy is daddy protective of is just so cute. She is now sleeping, Hopefully we can get some photos downloaded for our blog. Well, we are very tired so I will try and post some more tomorrow.



Unknown said...

Our little niece is so precious! We can't wait until you get her home.

Love, Aunt Davianne and Uncle Derek

jquasch said...

Congratulations you three! What a wonderful blessing and joy Jenni Lin will be to your family and friends! I am so very happy for you:) My prayers are with you for your continued safety in your travels. See you when you return!
Love, Jen Q.